Friday, February 24, 2017 - 15:53
We can all exercise control over what food comes into our houses, but none of us can predict or control what food comes into our work places. If you’re trying to live a healthier
lifestyle, your work place may come to seem like a calorie trap, testing your willpower every day. If this is happening to you, you’re not alone! Read on for tips and tricks to avoid the office snack trap.

  1. Be prepared. You can’t control what your coworkers bring into the office, but you can help yourself avoid temptation by bringing healthy snacks from home. Arming yourself with fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day will eliminate the need to forgo the sugary snacks when you’re hungry.

  2. Spread the word. Let your coworkers know that you’re focused on your health and ask that they not try to tempt you with unhealthy snacks. You might be surprised to find that other coworkers feel the same and are encouraged by your dedication to your healthy lifestyle. Not everyone will be supportive or helpful on your journey, but if you can find even one supportive coworker, agree to keep one another accountable throughout the day when temptation strikes.

  3. Decide if you’re hungry or bored. When we fall victim to snacks at the office, it’s likely not because we’re hungry, but because we’re bored or stressed. Don’t engage in mindless eating. If you’re tempted to dive into a candy bowl or family sized bag of chips in the breakroom, ask yourself whether you’re hungry or if you’re eating to relieve boredom. If you find that you’re stressed or bored, take a quick walk, start a new task, or spend a few minutes reflecting on how hard you’re working to get healthier. If you’re hungry, go back to the healthy snacks you brought with you and enjoy filling up on nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables.

  4. Keep motivating reminders nearby. Whether you’re training for a 5K or trying to get in shape for a summer vacation, keep visible reminders nearby for moments when your willpower seems low. Having your race date circled on your office calendar or a picture of a beautiful beach, remembering your reason for getting healthy may make it easier to say no to the cookies on a coworker’s desk.

  5. Set limits before you indulge. If there’s a treat that you just can’t say no to, then at least set a limit for how much you will eat. Maybe you can’t get out of celebrating a coworker’s birthday with a slice of cake, but you can opt for a small piece of cake and keep your splurge to just one piece. Setting your limits before your workplace event will help you stay within that limit and enjoy a small treat mindfully.

How do you avoid the calorie bombs at the office?