Monday, October 21, 2019 - 15:08
Planning for a major fitness goal can be all-consuming.  Whether it’s training for a marathon, losing a certain percentage of your body weight, or preparing for a strength competition, it’s easy to get lost in the process without taking the time to prepare for whatever might come next.  When you achieve your goal, you might feel a natural let down.  Suddenly, you may find that you have too much free time and no new goal lined up.  As you work to hit your fitness goals, let FitClub help prepare you for what comes next.

  1. Reassess your goal. The moment after you’ve crossed a finish line or achieved your goal may seem like the right time to dive into something new. You’re probably feeling a rush of adrenaline and feeling ready to tackle the world. Before you commit to anything new, though, it’s important to reflect on the entire process.  What did you like? What did you hate?  Is this goal still a good fit for your priorities and current fitness strategy?  If you never gave yourself a break for the monotonous training of achieving one large goal, this might be the moment you step back and determine whether you want to make the goal larger (i.e. turning your half marathon into a full marathon) or go a completely different direction (maybe a triathlon instead of a strength competition).  Taking some time away from the training plan you’ve been hitched to for several months can help you see the bigger picture and better determine what feels right for you and your body.

  2. Talk to an expert. If you’ve been training in one particular fashion for some time, there are probably areas of your body that have been neglected.  Checking your overall body composition on FitClub’s InBody System or working with a personal trainer can help you have a better understanding of what needs work.  A personal trainer can work with you to devise new workouts that meet your fitness needs while also holding you accountable and making you consistent now that your original training plan is over.  While you take the time to consider what you want to commit to next, you can increase strength in neglected muscles or develop a total body routine that leaves you feeling fitter and healthier than before you achieved your goal.

  3. Exercise your mind. You were likely fully focused on one goal while you were training for your epic adventure, but now is a good time to exercise your mind in addition to your body.  At FitClub, not only can you enhance your physical fitness, but you can also learn to enhance your mental fitness by learning yoga, learning to meditate, or enjoying a massage.  Finding peace with your health and fitness and better understanding yourself can help you make new goals that you’ll want to achieve while combating the post-goal blues that so often accompany crossing the finish line.

How have you handled achieving goals?  Do you have any advice for fellow FitClub members that might be crossing personal finish lines and are unsure what’s next?