Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - 16:08
It’s not always possible to fit in a workout at FitClub before or after work. Work and family obligations may even keep the most motivated among us from making time for ourselves and making fitness a priority. If your schedule is making it difficult to make it to FitClub, it might be time to consider the lunchtime workout.

What are the advantages of a lunchtime workout?

If you’re stuck in an office during the day, you are likely already familiar with the afternoon energy slump. Your mind starts to wander, your productivity and creativity decrease, and your energy starts to drop quickly after lunch. Using your lunch hour to burn calories and improve your fitness, though, releases endorphins that you can use to increase energy and productivity throughout the rest of your workday and enjoy into the evening. Whether you use your lunch hour to burn off some steam or clear your mind, you and your colleagues will benefit from having made the most of your lunch hour.

You also may make better nutrition choices throughout the remainder of your day if you commit to focusing on your health midday. As tempting as fast food can be at the end of a long, stressful workday just knowing that you’ve worked hard at FitClub may motivate you to go home and cook a balanced, healthy dinner instead. Empty calories and junk food instantly lose their appeal when you’ve burned calories and made yourself a priority.

Exercise has also been demonstrated to increase creativity. If you find yourself stuck on a difficult problem at work, escaping for a midday workout may allow you to see the problem more clearly, more creatively, or from a different angle.

How can you make it work for you?

By taking a few minutes in the morning to prepare for a midday workout, you can make the lunch hour workout part of your normal routine. Taking your workout clothes and shoes with you to work will alleviate any excuses as the noon hour approaches. You’ll also want to throw in a healthy pre-workout snack and a healthy post-workout lunch you can eat at your desk when you return to work. Taking advantage of FitClub’s showers and locker rooms post-workout will allow you to slide back into the office fresh and ready to tackle the rest of your workday.

Maximizing your lunch your hour at FitClub is easy.

All three FitClub locations have classes over the lunch hour. No matter what form of group exercise class excites you most, FitClub has a class that easily fits into your tight schedule. You can also take advantage of the cardio machines and strength training equipment during the middle of the day to accommodate whatever training plan you enjoy.

Convinced? Make a plan to join friends or colleagues for a healthier lunch date, and let FitClub know what benefits you see from the midday workout!