Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 16:14
Most people probably haven’t even started to think about their New Year’s Resolutions.  This is the time of year when most people feel more like hibernating and eating Christmas cookies than planning their health and fitness goals for 2019.  For FitClub members, though, the best time to start working on your New Year’s resolutions is today.  Experts estimate that more than fifty percent of New Year’s resolutions fail.  The sooner you start, the more likely you are to keep that New Year’s resolution and achieve your 2019 goals.

  • If you’re New Year’s resolution is really important to you, you probably are excited to get started. Using that excitement to start early is the best way to begin building momentum that can help you stay on track.  Starting two weeks early also gives you time to determine if this New Year’s resolution is really the right fit for you.  If you plan to run a half marathon this year, but find out early that you hate running, you still have plenty of time to reassess if your resolution really reflects your personal goals.  You might discover before January 1stwhat is really important to you, instead of what’s important to everyone else.

  • Starting early lets you create and modify your plan accordingly. If you start working on your New Year’s resolutions today, you have more time to determine any additional needs you might have. If you plan to start lifting weights in 2019, but realize you have no idea where to begin, you can get a head start by consulting a personal trainer and be ready to go on January 1st. Do you need a support system or the right gear to achieve your goal?  This is the perfect time of year to ask for help or add items to your Christmas wish list.  Knowing what you need now will save you the frustration that might otherwise halt your resolution before you even begin.  Preparing now to handle the hurdles that might lie ahead is important to staying the course later.

  • Achieving your goals requires habit creation and the best time to start a habit is always right now. Too many people create New Year’s resolutions that require a complete overhaul of their lifestyles.  Instead, by starting early, you can begin to create habits that will lead to long-term, sustainable success.  You can start now by waking up earlier, moderating your meal portions, or scheduling a daily workout at FitClub.  The sooner you start small habits, the less daunting those habits become.  Small, daily habits create a healthy lifestyle and are far more effective than radical lifestyle changes that soon disappear.

What are your New Year’s resolutions this year?  Share your resolutions with your FitClub team and this year, we can all hold each other accountable and stay on track!