Monday, August 21, 2017 - 15:15
It may be easy to skip a workout when you’re tired, but more often than not working out actually eases fatigue and gives you the energy you need to power through the rest of your day. Before you skip a workout because you’re tired, answer the questions below to determine whether a workout is the magic cure.

  1. Why are you tired? If you’ve been sleeping seven to nine hours each night, but still feel exhausted when you think about your workout it may be time to switch your workout, rather than take a rest day. Doing the same workout for days on end can leave both your muscles and your mind begging for a change. Instead of heading directly to the couch after work, try a different, lower-intensity exercise to ease both physical and mental exhaustion. Trading your weight lifting regimen or treadmill session for a swim or a yoga class may be just what your body and mind need to feel energized.

  2. Could you do just fifteen minutes? After a long day at work, the idea of a sixty-minute workout may seem to be too much. Instead, commit to walking through the front door of FitClub and doing just fifteen minutes of your favorite activity. Once the blood is flowing, your heart rate is elevated, and the endorphins kick in, the day to day exhaustion may begin to fade and leave you ready to conquer the whole workout.

  3. Are you too tired to plan a workout? If you spend all day making decisions at work or for your family, you may find that when it’s time for your workout, you’re too tired to decide between cardio and strength training. Instead of giving up on your workout entirely, check out a new group fitness class. Group exercises take the planning out of your workout and allow you to draw on the energy of others. Learning a new skill or move also alleviates boredom, leaving you feeling more productive and energized than when you started your workout.

  4. Did you eat? Before you skip your workout, think about what you’ve eaten throughout the day. Our diets have a tremendous impact on our energy levels throughout the day. If your diet is heavy in processed foods or junk foods, your fatigue could be your body’s call for more healthy fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Instead of canceling your workout, opt for a healthy snack, a glass of water and see if your energy level doesn’t rise.

  5. Do you really need a rest day? Even though most of us hate to admit it, sometimes fatigue really is your body’s way of asking for a rest day. The key to getting the most from your workout and living a consistently healthy lifestyle is learning to listen to your body. The key to rest days, though, is to limit it to just one day. If it’s time for a rest day, stretch, go for a light walk, eat healthy, sleep seven to nine hours and be ready to recommit to your FitClub workouts in the morning!

What makes you feel more energized? Share your tips with your fellow FitClub members!