Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 16:45
Many people trying to lose weight decide to eliminate snacking and limit their calories to three meals each day. For most, this may not be the key to achieving healthy, long term weight loss goals. Learning why, how, and when to snack may be the key to breaking through a plateau and maintaining success.

Why snacking helps achieve weight loss.
A healthy snack during the day helps to fend off hunger and prevents overeating at mealtimes. Most people need to eat every three to four hours to regulate the body’s natural release of insulin into the body. When the body’s blood sugar remains steady throughout the day, the metabolism functions more effectively.

A healthy snack is one that provides plenty of protein to increase energy without too many calories. For example, an apple with peanut butter or skim milk provides a healthy source of fiber and protein, leaving you feeling energized and full without adding empty calories.

How to snack in a healthy way.
The key to healthy snacking is portion control. Taking the time at night or in the morning to divide your healthy snacks into individual serving sizes eliminates the risk of overeating a healthy snack. Make use of small containers in your house or have individually-sized snack bags on hand that are easy to throw in your bag before leaving the house.

When choosing your snacks, aim for clean foods and try to avoid processed options. If you’re not sure whether your chosen snack is “processed,” read the label carefully. A minimally processed snack is one that has few ingredients, all of which you should be able to recognize and pronounce. You should always avoid snacks with added sugar or preservatives, or better yet, avoid snacks with packaging. For example, fresh fruits and vegetables don’t need a label or a package.

When it’s time for your mid-morning or afternoon snack, take the time to really enjoy your snack and avoid other distractions. Distractions make it easier to lose track of how much you’ve eaten or whether you feel full. Avoid snacking at your desk where you might be distracted with incoming emails or in front of the television in the evening.

When to snack.
Since most people benefit from eating every three to four hours, try to space your snacks between your breakfast and lunch and between your lunch and dinner. You should also avoid snacking too closely to bedtime. Your snack may interfere with your sleep by raising your blood sugar and effect your body’s natural fat-burning during a good sleep.


What healthy snacks do you take to work or enjoy during the day?