Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 17:14
Fall is coming, it’s time to start focusing on creating new fitness goals for a new season. If your summer fitness goals included losing weight, being more active outside, or running your first 5K, fall is a great time to keep the summer momentum going while exploring new goals that excite you. No matter what your goals are, FitClub can help you focus and achieve those goals by following a simple path to success.

  • Make it personal. No two people will want to achieve the same goal. Make your fitness goal as personal as possible to ensure that it’s something you will stick with and work toward. What resonates with you is what will motivate you when it gets harder.

  • Be specific. Losing weight is unspecific, and it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t know what the achievement actually looks like. If your goal includes getting stronger and building muscle mass, make it specific like working up to a certain amount of weight to bench press. If you want to start building a yoga practice, make your specific goal to be to take a certain number of classes each week. The more specific you can be, the easier it is to know that you’re on track and that the outcome is achievable. You have to know what your finish line is before you start.

  • Set small goals on the way to achieving the larger goal. Setting a goal that may take several months to accomplish can be a great way to commit to a healthy lifestyle, but it makes for difficult days and weeks when you don’t see immediate progress. If your goal is to start a running regimen, you could consider making your first goal to run for a few minutes without stopping. Keep celebrating minor milestones and accomplishments on the path to your ultimate goal to ensure that you will continue the work when the finish line still seems far ahead.

  • Be flexible. No one’s training is perfect. Life gets in the way sometimes and you may have to miss a workout because of illness or an unexpected business trip. Remain committed to achieving your goals, but flexible as to your training plan. Don’t leave room for excuses, but acknowledge that life may trip you up some days. If you’re flexible, you’ll have the right mindset that lets you get right back to work the next day.

  • Have fun. Setting a personal, specific goal should be fun. If running isn't your thing, don’t try to force yourself to accomplish a running goal. At FitClub there’s a class, a machine, and staff person with expertise for everyone. Setting a training goal that gets you excited will allow you to have fun with the training and if it’s fun, you are far more likely to stick to the plan and achieve your goal!

Share your fitness goals with FitClub! Your fellow members may find inspiration from your goals and can offer you encouragement to help you reach that goal! Take advantage of having a healthy fitness-minded community that shares and celebrates your goals!