Monday, January 23, 2017 - 15:57
If your diet is deficient in protein, you may be sabotaging your health and fitness goals. Protein is essential to rebuild and repair muscles you’re using when you exercise and fires up your metabolism to keep burning calories all day long. Protein will also keep you feeling fuller longer and help curb those late afternoon sweet cravings by allowing a slower release of carbs into the bloodstream.

Nearly every part of your body from your hair to your muscles needs protein to grow and thrive. If you’re not seeing the results you’re hoping for after consistent exercise or notice that you’re hungry throughout the workday, you may need to add more protein to your diet.

Don’t let the complicated science overwhelm you, read below for the recommended guidelines and healthy sources of protein that are easy to incorporate throughout your day.

How much do you need?
The math on the perfect protein combination varies from study to study. Generally, though everyone should aim to meet the guidelines set forth by the Institute of Medicine. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women consume at least 46 grams of protein each day and that men consume 56 grams each day. If you’re goal, though, is to build muscle you may need even more protein.

Where can you find it?
The good news is that while you probably need more protein than you’re already eating, it’s easy to find in meals and snacks. Protein is most useful to your body following a workout so it can be used by the body to build and repair the muscles worked, so be sure your post-workout snack includes protein.

For meals:
Chicken breast and turkey breast are the two most common protein-packed meals, but to think outside the box and provide other nutrients your body needs, consider adding eggs, 2% milk, salmon, tilapia, navy beans, green beans, quinoa, or tofu to your culinary repertoire. Mixing up your protein sources will add variety to your diet and ensure that you’re also receiving a variety of nutrients other than protein that your body needs to stay healthy and fit.

For snacks:
Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, 2% milk, Swiss cheese, edamame, and mixed nuts all contain healthy sources of protein and are easy to transport for snacks during the work or school day. Add a protein packed snack either pre or post lunch to keep you feeling fuller longer and to stay away from the sweet snacks.

Despite it’s healthy benefits and just like every other type of food, it is possible to overdo it on protein. Be cognizant of serving sizes and calories to avoid unwanted weight gain and spread your protein sources throughout your day to receive the maximum benefit from your healthy protein sources.