Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 15:23
Halloween can be scary for those of us trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Forbes Magazine estimates that Americans will spend $2.392 billion on candy during the Halloween season. If you overindulged on Halloween and ate too many scary-sweet treats, follow FitClub’s four simple steps below to get back to a healthy lifestyle quickly and leave the ghouls, goblins and sugar-binges for next year!

  1. Get rid of the leftover Halloween candy. Whether you didn’t have as many trick-or-treaters as you expected, or your kids brought home too much candy, don’t leave it lying around the house where it might tempt you. No one likes to throw away food (and money), but donating the candy to a great cause will let you feel good about parting with the extra sugar. Check out Operation Gratitude and Operation Shoebox, both of which will package the candy and send it to our troops overseas. Throw away any unwrapped candy and donate the rest to the servicemen and women that didn’t get to celebrate Halloween at home.

  2. Stay away from the sugar. Now that the extra candy is out of the house, commit to returning to a healthy lifestyle by filling up on lean proteins, fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating sugar makes you crave more sugar, so stop the trend in its tracks and focus on eating real, unprocessed food in the days following Halloween. You’ll stay fuller longer and your body will lose its craving for the sweet treats more quickly.

  3. Increase your water intake. The scary side effects of a sugar-binge can be remedied by simply increasing your water consumption to allow your body to process and remove the sugar more quickly. As a bonus, choosing water over sugary drinks will help to prevent another sugar-binge.

  4. Work it out. If you overindulged on Halloween, this is a great week to get into FitClub and check out a new class, start a new challenge, or revamp your workout routine. Getting back to FitClub quickly after an indulgence tells your body and mind that you’re committed to a healthy lifestyle.

  5. Forgive yourself. We all slip up and if you overindulged on Halloween, forgive yourself and return to your healthy lifestyle. By quickly forgiving yourself and returning to your healthy lifestyle, you can ensure that your Halloween binge doesn’t become a way of life. Maintaining a positive outlook is crucial to being able to achieve your healthy living goals.

Halloween is the first of many holidays that may trip you up this season. At FitClub, we can all work together to make sure that a holiday-indulgence doesn’t derail from a healthy lifestyle. Encourage yourself and your fellow FitClub members to stay healthy and find new, healthy ways to celebrate the holiday season. If you have tips and tricks for getting through the holiday months while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, share them in the comment section!