Tuesday, December 4, 2018 - 14:31
It’s the most magical time of the year! Decadent holiday desserts, heavy comfort food, family dinners, and cocktail hours with friends may have you worried that in just one month you’re going to completely undo all of the progress you’ve made at FitClub this year.  Before you panic and avoid your favorite holiday parties, FitClub has a few easy ways to change your mindset and enjoy the holiday foods at your next event.

  • Let go of the idea that food is either “good” or “bad”. Indulging in your holiday favorites once each year doesn’t make you a failure and it doesn’t completely undermine your training and progress.  Instead of making food the hero or the villain in your holiday tale, let food just be part of the experience.  To change your mindset, make sure your indulgences are really valued choices rather than just a plate full of chips or sugars you could have any other time of the year.  If you only have Grandma’s ginger cookies on Christmas, make sure you really enjoy that ginger cookie!

  • Maintain your workout. You may not have complete control over the food temptations you’ll face this holiday season, but you do have control over your workout.  By prioritizing your FitClub workout, you set yourself up for continued success long after the holiday trays have been put away.  A pre-party workout also helps to minimize your stress and alleviate the anxiety that often comes with holiday preparations. Even on those days that you feel overwhelmed with obligations, you can make it to FitClub early in the morning or over your lunch hour to ensure that you are making time to live your healthiest life.

  • Bring the healthy food with you. If you’re worried that you might eat so many sugar cookies on Christmas Eve that you undo all of your hard work, be the guest that brings a veggie tray, fruit bowl, or healthy entrée to share with family and friends.  While you can still indulge in your holiday favorites, by filling up on your healthy dish first, you’ll be better able to limit your indulgence and wake up feeling ready to hit your goals.

  • Focus more on what matters and less on the food. What matters most to you about celebrating the holidays?  Is it time spent with family and friends or engaging in a favorite holiday tradition?  Maybe it’s decorating or sweating over finding the perfect, obscure gift?  No matter what your favorite part of the holiday season might be, when you find yourself worried about the calorie count of your mom’s mashed potatoes, you know it’s time to flip your mindset and focus on what really matters about the season. Staying mindful of the people and traditions will help you let go of any residual anxiety about food choices or small, annual indulgences.

Anxiety related to food is common and you’re not alone. How do you prepare for the holiday season and its array of indulgent, traditional holiday foods?