Monday, September 11, 2017 - 16:42
If you’ve seen Alexa Bates working out at FitClub, you already know that her workouts are inspiring, tough, and balanced! What you may not know, though, is her mental discipline and inspiring journey far surpass the quality reps you’ve seen her do.

Alexa has always been athletic, competing in softball, basketball, and golf in high school. When she started to get serious about fitness, though, she set a huge goal for herself. She wanted to become a professional bodybuilder and in 2016, she accomplished her goal! The journey taught Alexa a lot about building her body, but the most inspiring realization Alexa shared with FitClub was her epiphany that the physical strength and mental strength had to combine in order for her to achieve her goal.

The road to bodybuilding for Alexa started with great difficulty. Alexa experienced a relapse into anorexia and to pull herself through, she turned to lifting and healthy eating. As she began to build physical and mental strength, she found that she began to love the process. Alexa describes herself at the beginning of her fitness journey as being a malnourished 105 pound, 5’8 body. Over the course of the last four years, though, Alexa’s journey has pulled her through the relapse, allowed her to thrive in and outside of FitClub and to completely change her body mass composition. She is now a healthy, extremely fit professional bodybuilder.

Alexa’s journey is incredible and she’s generously provided FitClub with advice that she believes can help anyone find their path to mental and physical fitness.

  1. Always be changing it up. Your body is always able to adjust to the workout you constantly put it through. Always be changing your workout to keep your body changing and your muscles guessing. As hard as it may be to admit, Alexa finds that usually the moves you hate the most are the moves you most need to do!

  2. Do it for fourteen days! Alexa knows that getting started is the hardest part of anyone’s fitness journey. She tells FitClub, though, that her advice is to stick with your new fitness journey for fourteen days and let it become a habit. Not every lifting or cardio session will be your best, but the important part is staying consistent, showing up at FitClub, and trying your best every single day.

Alexa’s journey has always been about so much more than burning calories. Alexa knows that her fitness journey saved her life. Not only did she build the physical and mental strength that she needed to survive anorexia, but fitness has also opened doors in her career and introduced her to a world of supportive, genuine people.

It’s impossible not to be inspired by Alexa, but what’s exciting, is you may just be that motivation for Alexa, too, if you find yourself working out with her side by side. Alexa says that she draws motivation from anyone she sees working out, staying dedicated to their unique goals, and achieving fitness gains and healthy lifestyles. Every time you walk into FitClub and achieve your personal goal, you are inspiring others, too!

FitClub is proud of you, Alexa, and can’t wait to follow this journey with you!