Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 16:04
There is, perhaps, nothing more important than having the energy you need to accomplish all of your daily tasks, fit in a workout, and enjoy time with family and friends. Particularly during the holidays, maintaining your energy level throughout the day can be a challenge for everyone. However, managing or improving your energy may be as easy as changing up what’s on your plate.

If you need an energy boost, follow the tips below and see if you recognize an improvement.

  • Add iron to your meals. Iron is responsible for delivering oxygen to your cells and a lack of iron in your diet can leave your immune system running low and you feeling fatigued. Especially during the winter months, immune systems are critical to staying healthy during cold and flu season. Plant-based sources of iron are found in beans, lentils, spinach, and sesame seeds and can be easily added to any salad, soup, or meal that you prepare for yourself or your family. For an added boost, try eating iron rich foods with a serving of Vitamin C, which helps your body absorb the iron.

  • Eat more real food. We don’t often take the time to ask ourselves whether our favorite meals or snacks are “real food,” but consuming more real food is the key to staying healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, and increasing our energy levels. If you’re unsure whether what you are choosing at the grocery store is real or processed, ask yourself two simple questions: (1) does it come from the perimeter or outside of the grocery store or the inside? Real food most often comes from the perimeter of the grocery store (produce and meat sections) rather than the inside aisles. (2) What does the ingredient list look like? If the ingredient list is a long list of words you can’t pronounce, it’s processed food. If, on the other hand, the ingredient list contains words you recognize and few enough ingredients that you can make it at home, it consists of real food. Bonus tip: If there is no label at all, eat it up!

  • Expand your variety of fruits and vegetables. If you find that you normally make two or three routine picks in the produce aisle, spend time trying to add variety to your plate. There’s no shortage of fruits and vegetables available all year. Make it a habit to pick up something new each week to receive the benefits of all nutrients and minerals. You might even find a new favorite, healthy source of what your body needs most.

  • Avoid sugar! When you find yourself running low on energy, sugary processed foods are usually easy to find and sound like an easy fix. Your body breaks down sugar very quickly, leaving you with a very short burst of energy and then a blood sugar crash that may leave you feeling more drained than before. Instead of reaching for the quick, insufficient fix, look for a balance of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and a small amount of healthy fat, like a whole wheat turkey and avocado sandwich to maintain energy levels without the crash.

  • Balance your calorie intake. Skipping meals or eating too few calories at a meal will leave you famished and exhausted by the end of the day. Aim to balance your meals and your calories throughout your day to keep you satisfied and energized from morning until night.

Do you have a favorite snack or meal that always leaves you energized and ready to take on the day? Share it with us in the comments!