Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 18:42
After a long day at work, it’s easy to get into your workout and zone out. If you can force yourself to stay present, mindful, and mentally engaged in your workout, though, you will see better results with each trip to FitClub!

Staying mentally engaged during your workout allows you to tap into the signals your body is sending you. Is an exercise too easy or too challenging? Are you feeling strong and ready to increase the weight or the reps in your strength workout? Your body is sending you cues throughout your workout and staying mentally engaged lets you hear what your body wants you to know.

Staying mentally engaged also allows you to avoid injury. Whether you’re running on the treadmill or lifting weights, stay focused and watch your form. Concentrating on your form also allows you to get the maximum benefit from the movement.

If you don’t stay mentally engaged, you may find your mind fatiguing before your body. Stay mindful with the tips below, and share your own in the comments!

  1. Find a new challenge. Maybe you will consider signing up for your first 5K, challenging a friend to a healthy competition, or trying for a new personal best in the weight room. Focusing on the external motivators and actively seeking signs of improvement will give your mind a new challenge.

  2. Plan a great reward—Giving yourself something pleasant to look forward to if you complete a challenging workout will increase motivation to finish a workout. Healthy tip—don’t undo your workout with a food related incentive. Instead, keep your healthy lifestyle going by planning a relaxing bath, a new piece of workout gear for your wardrobe, or an earlier bedtime.

  3. Eliminate distractions. Cell phones are a modern day convenience, but can negatively impact your workout. If you find yourself texting or chatting on your phone during your cardio workout, you’re likely not pushing yourself as hard as you can. Think of your workout as a chance to clear your mind of unnecessary distractions and zero in on your health.

  4. Pep yourself up with a motivating mantra. At some point, your mind is going to tire of your exercise and try to convince your body to call it quits. When you feel that start to happen, be prepared with a word or phrase that will allow you to resume your focus and continue to push yourself. Whatever word or phrase works for you, no matter how silly it might seem, might be just what you need to make it through a challenging workout.

  5. Plan your playlist. Planning a playlist that will push you through a challenging workout may be what you need to beat mental fatigue. Make sure your music is upbeat, positive, and something that motivates you to get through one more rep or one more interval. Maybe you can even steal a line or two from the song for your positive mantra. If you’re using your phone to deliver your music, just make sure you ignore the phone calls.