Wednesday, August 30, 2017 - 17:47
There are many articles on the benefits of exercising first thing in the morning. What if that doesn’t work for you? If you’re not a morning person and find the concept of struggling out of bed an hour early to fit in a pre-work group exercise class or run inconceivable, you’re not alone. A lot of people just don’t feel alert and ready to tackle a difficult workout before the sun rises. You don’t have to be a morning person to crush your fitness goals. It’s okay to work out at night, in fact, working out before you head to bed has its own set of advantages.

  • Consistency is key. If you prefer working out in the evening, you’re more likely to stick with it. The advantages of exercise depend far more on your level of commitment and consistency than the time of day. Calories can’t distinguish between morning and night, so if you’re a night owl and hate morning workouts, you can still lose weight and accomplish your goals.

  • You’ll be more efficient. If you force yourself to act like a morning person when you’re not, you likely aren’t getting the most efficient workout possible. If your body and mind are sharper and more efficient at night, your workout will be, too.

  • Better eating habits. Your body can be better fueled for a night workout if you plan ahead and fuel it properly throughout the day. Eating healthy meals, drinking plenty of water, and standing or walking as often as possible throughout your work day set your body up for a successful workout at night. If nighttime is your productive time at FitClub, give your body the healthy fuel it needs all day. Knowing that your body doesn’t perform well on junk food may be the best motivation you have to stay away from the office snacks before your nighttime workout!

  • A longer workout may be possible. A study by the Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism Journal found that the body is better able to use oxygen during the evening hours than the morning hours, resulting in a harder, longer, and more efficient workout. Depending on your work schedule, you also may just have more time to work out in the evening. Instead of staring at the clock thinking of how much time you have left before you have to leave for work, you can enjoy a longer, more relaxed workout in the evenings.

  • Eliminate post-work stress. If you’ve had a difficult day at the office, heading to FitClub before you hit your pillow can help you eliminate that stress and frustration. Run, lift, or punch out your stress before heading to bed ensures a better, more restful night of sleep and lowers the stress-hormone, cortisol, which is attributed to weight gain.

What’s your favorite time of day to work out? Have you noticed any advantages to an evening workout? FitClub’s varied group exercise schedule and all-night hours make it easy to fit in a workout when it works best for you!