Thursday, February 20, 2020 - 15:44
Every year, the flu descends upon us and it seems that everyone we know has had symptoms.  This year is no different and whether you’ve been exposed to the flu or not, now is the time to help your immune system ward off germs and fight against the flu.  How can you defend yourself against the flu right now?  FitClub has five easy steps you can take to stay healthy all winter long.

  • Wash your hands. Even though you probably learned this healthy hygiene technique in kindergarten, it remains as true today as it was then.  Washing your hands frequently with warm water and plenty of soap for at least twenty seconds each time you wash can help keep you healthy all winter. After a sweaty workout at FitClub, also be sure to wipe down the equipment you’re using after each use to limit exposing others to any germs you may be unknowingly carrying with you.

  • Bump up your workout frequency. Exercise helps strengthen your immune system and limit the chance that you’ll fall victim to the flu.  Experts recommend thirty minutes of exercise three of four times each week will help you combat illness and stay healthier, even during cold and flu season.  Regular, moderate exercise allows your body to better recirculate healthy immune system cells and clean out the germs you’re exposed to throughout the day.  Bonus tip, the effect of cleaning up your body is cumulative so the more often you get your workouts in, the cleaner your body stays during high-germ seasons!

  • Eat a healthier diet. Opting for fresh fruits and vegetables ensures that you’re immune system has the nutrients and vitamins that it needs to stay strong during flu season.  This is also an important time to limit your sugar intake.  Consuming too much sugar and not enough energy producing foods will hinder your body’s ability to fight fatigue if you are exposed to the flu this year.

  • Drink up. Consuming plenty of water has a positive effect on nearly everything your body does, but it’s particularly important during the winter months when the flu and colds are prevalent and the air is dry.  Dry nasal passages allow germs in the air to enter our bodies unfettered. Drinking enough water to keep the nasal passages moist causes those germs to get stuck before they come into contact with our respiratory system, causing illness.  Not only should you be upping your daily water intake this time of year, but it’s also best to limit caffeine and alcohol during the dry winter months. Caffeine and alcohol actually dehydrate the body, leaving you more susceptible to allowing germs into your respiratory system.

  • Get selfish about your sleep. Experts recommend seven to nine hours of sleep every night.  During cold and flu season, it’s particularly important that your body have high quality sleep so that it can rebuild and repair your immune system, allowing it to fight cold and flu symptoms at full strength everyday.

What are your healthy tips for cold and flu symptoms?