Monday, July 22, 2019 - 14:30
As we reach the midpoint of summer vacation, your kids might be far removed from their consistent, healthy school schedules.  It’s easy to let summer creep in and upend all of our healthy routines and goals.  Summer is a great time to keep the whole family moving and on track to be healthier when school rolls back around.  FitClub has tips to help your family enjoy a healthier summer.

  • Set a good example. You’d be surprised how much your healthy lifestyle may be inspiring your children. When your children see you prioritize exercise it plants a seed in their minds that exercise is a positive activity and not another chore on your never ending to do list.  Being mindful of how you talk about exercise around your children matters, too.  Simply replacing, “I have to work out this morning,” with “I get to work out!” sets a positive example and may encourage your kids to be more active on their own.

  • Incorporate fun activity. FitClub might be your oasis, separate from your parenting responsibilities. Enjoying a family swim at FitClub this summer, though, is a great way to sneak in healthy activity for the kids and yourself.  This summer, it’s been too hot for family outdoor activities too often, but the water in FitClub is always the perfect temperature for a family activity. Swimming is a wonderful exercise for children and adults and so much fun they’ll never know it’s good for them!

  • Make healthy, colorful summer meals. Summer is an easy time of year to eat healthy.  Produce is at its finest and grilling is a fresh, summer way to avoid fried foods.  Including your children in the process of choosing produce and learning to prepare it unique and flavorful ways will let them invest in the process rather than just complaining about what’s for dinner.  A family trip to the farmer’s market where all of the offerings are healthy, fresh, and locally sourced might introduce you and your family to a new vegetable or fruit offering that will become a family favorite.

  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule. This may be the toughest tip to follow, but the most important on the list. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, even during the weekends is one of the most important elements of maintaining or improving overall health.  Sleep deprived people tend to make poorer decisions, move less, and eat more.  Researchers are now discovering that children that get better sleep have reduced risks for childhood obesity, diabetes, and attention disorders.  During busy summers, that’s easier said than done; however, even only four nights of reduced sleep impacts a child’s health.  Staying consistent, minimizing screen time before bed, and building an early appreciation for the benefits of sleep may help you ward off inconsistent sleep schedules.  Don’t forget to practice what you preach and clock your own seven to nine hours of consistent sleep this summer for a healthier, happier, more productive summer!

Share your tips in the comments for healthier kids all summer long!