Thursday, October 6, 2016 - 17:46
FitClub is starting an exciting program that could make you fitter, happier, and $100 richer.

How It Works
Research has already shown that working out with a buddy is more effective than working out alone. FitClub’s new program lets you give a 30-day FitClub membership to your buddies so you can start enjoying the benefits of the buddy system. If three of your buddies become FitClub members, FitClub gives you $100. If your workouts are feeling stale or you’re tired of choosing between social hour with your friends and a workout, stop by the front desk today to get started.

Why It Works

  1. A workout buddy makes working out more fun. Catching up with your friend while you run on side-by-side treadmills, or chat your way through reps with the free weights makes working out more fun and makes the time go more quickly. The more you enjoy your workout, the more likely you are to stick to it.

  2. A workout buddy makes you accountable. After a long day at work, knowing you’ve made plans with a buddy to meet at FitClub for a workout will make you more likely to stick to the plan.

  3. Workout buddies make it easier to try something new. Your workout buddy doesn’t have to share the exact same workout experience as you. If your buddy is a runner, but you enjoy lifting weights, you can share your expertise with one another and both enjoy a full-body workout and the benefit of trying a new challenge. If you’ve always been curious about Zumba or CycleFit, make plans to check it out together. You can help each other master a new skill or enjoy a new experience by pushing one another out of your comfort zones.

  4. A workout buddy means twice as many successes to celebrate. Celebrating success at FitClub is so much more than pounds on the scale and working out with a buddy means there’s twice as much to celebrate. Maybe you encourage your buddy to try a faster treadmill interval, or your buddy convinces you to squeeze out one more rep. Either way, you can learn from each other and challenge one another and watch the successes pile up. Healthy competition may be just what you need to push yourself further than you can on your own.

  5. A healthy support system is crucial. A workout buddy is a built in support system on those days that a healthy lifestyle seems challenging. Your shared healthy goals will get you both to FitClub after a long day and keep you healthy throughout the week as you help each other make healthier decisions.

FitClub wants to make it easier for you and your buddies to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain from helping your buddies enjoy FitClub. Stop by the front desk at FitClub for more information, and don’t forget to share your buddy successes in the comments below! We all want to celebrate those successes!