Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 17:55
Winter’s long dark nights and short days can leave many people feeling depressed or just in the mood to hibernate.  “Seasonal affective disorder” is common and can leave you with less energy, sleepless nights, and a general sense of depression. The long, dark days can disrupt sleep cycles and alter the production of our body’s natural feel good hormone, serotonin.  Experiencing any symptoms of seasonal affective disorder can affect your intention to live a happier, healthier lifestyle, but there are ways to treat it and minimize its effect on you.  Fortunately, FitClub has four ways to beat the winter blues.

  • Exercise not only helps to halt the weight gain that commonly accompanies SAD, but it boosts your body’s natural endorphins, leaving you feeling better and helping you stay on a normal sleep schedule.  When the dark days leave you feeling lethargic, prioritizing your FitClub workout will boost your mood and energy levels.  To leave you feeling more energized all day, try waking up a bit earlier and scheduling a morning workout or a morning group exercise class at FitClub.

  • Find a way to enjoy it. We can’t keep winter from happening and we can’t make the sun shine more often than it does.  We can, though, find small ways to enjoy the winter months and lift our own spirits. Take advantage of what sunshine we do have this year by getting out as often as possible.  Even if it’s just a short drive in the sunshine on your lunch break to FitClub for a mid-day workout, you’ll have an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine and workout where it’s always warm, bright, and dry. Taking time to be active outdoors, even in short spurts, can also improve your mood and deliver your daily dose of Vitamin D from the short amount of sunshine.  Build a snowman with children or walk the dog to ensure you’re still getting enough fresh air, even when the air is cold!

  • Keep a regular schedule. The lack of regular daylight can make it hard to stay on your regular sleep and activity schedule, but it’s particularly important this time of year.  Maintaining your regular schedule will allow you to take advantage of light at “consistent and predictable times.”  In addition to your regular sleep schedule, eating and exercising at consistent times will help you avoid the desire to hibernate and continue to move towards your goals, despite the dark days and long nights.

  • Journal and meditate yourself to better mental health. Negative feelings are common with SAD.  Instead of allowing those negative feelings to linger, a journaling or meditation practice can allow you to clear your mind and gain perspective.  Building a meditation practice is a great New Year’s resolution that can benefit you throughout the year.  If you’re not sure where or how to start, FitClub has a meditation class designed for beginners and experienced meditators alike.  The sooner you begin, the more effective you’ll become at managing your mood and emotions throughout the winter season.

How do you overcome the lethargy this time of year?  Share your practices with your fellow FitClub members in the comments below.