Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 16:00
How often do you think about why you eat the foods you eat?  Each time you choose a meal or a snack, you’re giving your body something, either positive or negative.  During the cold, dark days of the holiday season, it can seem like what we need most is more energy. Following these tips will help you face this time of year and not feel energy depleted:

  • Eat more plants. Certain plants, like spinach and other leafy greens, are rich in iron.  An iron deficiency can leave you feeling physically and mentally exhausted.  Pairing your plant-based meal options with a source of Vitamin Ccan help you better absorb the iron, resulting in feeling that energy more quickly. Add leafy spinach to your salads, smoothies, and eggs to boost your energy right away.

  • Strive for more balance in your diet. Too much of one food means you’re lacking the valuable benefits of another food group. Aim for a fruit or vegetable with a whole grain and lean protein at each meal to stay balanced and full.  Breakfast can be more of a habit than a meal for many people, but it’s essential to make balance the priority in your breakfast, too.  Breakfast cereals and sugary pastries can seem like an easy option for an early morning breakfast, but the high glycemic index causes your blood sugar to rise quickly and crash almost as quickly, leaving you energy depleted well before your lunch break.

  • Instead of opting for a sugary pastry or processed breakfast foods, aim for protein and fruit to start your day. Eggs and protein-rich, low sugar yogurt will jumpstart your day and leave you feeling full through the morning.

  • Skip the caffeine and energy drinks. The short energy boost you get from a cup of coffee or an energy drink is deceiving. You may have more energy in the short term, but if you’re chronically tired or feel that you have low energy, you need to get to the heart of the problem.  Skip your afternoon coffee-crunch and try adding more water and healthy foods to your afternoon routine for a longer-lasting energy source.

  • Drink more water. One of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue. Before you reach for empty promises from packaged foods and drinks, try adding more water to your day.  Not only does water ward off dehydration-fatigue, it also helps the body prevent illness and keeps all of your major muscle groupsfunctioning properly. As a result, you will feel more energetic and perform better throughout the day, whether you’re exercising at FitClub or just striving for more productivity at work.

  • Stay away from energy zapping foods. Of course, no matter how many energy-boosting foods you eat, you can zap your energy with a few poor choices. Alcohol, processed meats, fast food and heavily fried foods can cause an energy crash.  Whenever possible, opt for real food and balanced meals to feel more yourself this time of year.