Thursday, December 27, 2018 - 16:02
Researchers at the University of Scranton estimated that only eight percent of those that made New Year’s Resolutions in 2017 actually succeeded in their quest to change for the better.  What if this year could be different and you can celebrate your successes at this time next year?

  • Let your social media feed hold you accountable. Accountability is a key factor in ensuring New Year’s resolution success.  Even if your friends live too far away to meet you for an evening workout at FitClub or nag you to join a morning group exercise class, sharing your intentions on social media can provide that push you need to stay accountable.  Start your year off by declaring your intentions to your Facebook and Twitter world and check-in regularly to show everyone (most importantly, yourself) that you’re progressing.  At this time next year, let your social media feed be a reminder of your progress.

  • Ask for help. Do you follow FitClub on Facebook and Twitter?  Reaching out to a group that shares similar goals might lead you to a missing component of your workout regimen that can spearhead even more success than you imagined.  Should you lift weights more often or mix up your cardio routine?  Whatever your fitness, diet or wellness related question might be, there’s someone at FitClub that probably has experienced the same problem. Using social media to reach out and ask for help is a great way to stay on track when the days get colder and motivation begins to suffer.  Even if you’re the only one in your household chasing healthy goals this year, you’re never alone when you check-in at FitClub.

  • Brag a little. Setting short-term goals along the way to achieving your ultimate 2019 goal is a great way to stay motivated and find success this year.  Setting a smaller, achievable goal for each month of 2019 will keep you motivated to make progress while you celebrate monthly milestones. Don’t wait until December 31, 2019 to share your results.  Let yourself brag a little when you achieve a new personal best, lose ten pounds, or have a healthier In-Body System result than last month.  We all know how it feels when those likes and positive comments start to show up on our status posts and it’s okay to brag about yourself when your goal is a healthier lifestyle.

  • Be someone’s accountability partner. On January 1, 2019, our social medias will be buzzing with everyone’s upcoming resolutions and aspirations.  This year, dive right in and offer to be someone’s accountability partner.  Is a friend of yours running a race or hoping to lose weight this year?  Perhaps by reaching out and suggesting a FitClub treadmill run after work instead of a happy hour will be what you both need to find success.