Monday, March 13, 2017 - 15:38
If you’ve been fitting in regular workouts each week, it may be time to take stock of how you’re really feeling about your workout. When you think about the day’s workout ahead, are you excited, energized, or feeling unmotivated? Have you hit a plateau or finding it
hard to fit in a workout during the day?

It may just be time to take a look at your regular workout and decide if you’re feeling balanced or burned out.

  • Know the difference between balance and burned out. The key to discovering what your body needs is easier than you might expect. Pay attention to your body’s cues throughout the day, and respect what it’s trying to tell you. Do you feel overly tired? Are your muscles sore for days on end? Do you feel irritable, anxious or moody? That’s burnout. A balanced workout will leave you feeling energized, fresh, and motivated to make it to FitClub day after day.

  • If you’re body is showing you signs of burn out, don’t quit exercising, just change it up. If you’re a slave to the treadmill, it might be time to try CycleFit. If you’re only ever using the cardio machines, mix things up and head to the free weights. Your body might just be trying to tell you it needs a new challenge, or a completely different component to your exercise regimen. Check out the FitClub class schedules and step outside your comfort zone. Trying something new is a great break for both over worked muscle groups and your mind.

  • Try variety daily. Your body needs a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility to reap the maximum rewards of an exercise plan. FitClub makes it easy to add all three components in the same workout. Plan to mix up your normal routine the next time you’re at FitClub by dividing your workout into three separate components. Raise your heart rate by doing your favorite cardio activity, challenge your muscles through strength training, and then add a Yoga class or a good stretch on the mats before you call it a day. Dividing and conquering your workout will make your workout seem shorter and more interesting than it may be feeling.

  • Give yourself a break. Recovery days don’t have to be rest days. If your body is feeling sore or sluggish, give it a good stretch in a Yoga class, learn how to use the foam rollers, or schedule a massage at FitClub. Active recovery days are essential to achieving maximum fitness.

  • Hire a personal trainer. FitClub has a huge variety of equipment, most of which you’ve probably never really investigated or may not know how to use. A personal trainer at FitClub can show you how to use proper form or a new technique that may help you bust through a fitness plateau or find a new favorite exercise. If you’re tired of the same few moves you’ve been doing with the free weights, a personal trainer can show you new and more effective moves you wouldn’t think up on your own.

What tricks do you have for busting through workout burn out? What makes you feel balanced?