Tuesday, September 5, 2017 - 16:54
It can be difficult to commit to an hour long workout at FitClub after a long, busy day at the office or on those days when you just can’t find the time to accomplish all of your goals for the day. By prioritizing the time you do have for your workout, though, you can burn calories, get stronger and make the most of limited time.

  • Make a plan. You wouldn’t go to the grocery store without making a grocery list or at least having some idea of what you needed. Taking time to plan your workout will allow you to move efficiently between machines and weights without wasted time pondering what you should do next. Taking just a few minutes to write out how you want to accomplish your fitness goals today will save you precious minutes once you’re ready to workout.

  • Take a class. You might find that you’re able to push yourself harder for a shorter amount of time in a class than you would on your own. FitClub has several shorter classes designed to get you in and out with a great workout, including Express CycleFit, Zumba and Zumba Toning, CoreConditioning, and Step Express. Check out the FitClub class schedules to find the right class at the right time to hit your fitness goals faster.

  • Go tech-free. If you find your phone or other tech devices distracting while you workout, leave them behind. If you need to plug in while you workout, bring your headphones and catch up on your favorite television shows on the cardio machines. Eliminating the distraction of constant text messages or calls might save you more time than you think.

  • Try a superset. A superset is a combination of strength moves that work different muscle groups. Alternating muscle groups eliminates the need for rest between moves because each body part has a chance to rest while you work the other muscles. For example, work your biceps with a bicep curl while your triceps rest, and then rest your biceps while you do tricep dips. Supersets allow you to fit your strength training in without the need for wasted rest time between sets.

  • Prepare in advance. You can also save time before you get to FitClub by laying out your clothes and gear for your morning workout before you go to bed, or taking your workout gear with you to work. If you can eliminate the need to look for your gear or run home to retrieve it before you head to FitClub, you not only save valuable minutes that you could spend working out, but you also eliminate the chance that you might just decide to stay home once there. Packing a bag or laying out your clothes will jump start your intention to make fitness a priority.

What do you do when you’re short on time?